September Gardening Tips

Autumn is not far away! Days are drawing in and nights are getting cooler. The garden is still looking good, so get out and enjoy it while it lasts. There are a few jobs that can be achieved this month.
Divide herbaceous perennials once they have finished flowering. This will ensure that the plant stays strong and will be ready for next year. Lift the roots gently with a fork. Small, fibrous roots (such as on a Hosta) can be 'teased' apart. Other plants may need a more determined approach with a spade - split woody or solid crowns (such as on a Helleborus). Always replant as soon as possible and keep watered.
Plant spring bulbs - there is an extensive range in store now to choose from. Plant in the garden or in tubs. Remember, as a general rule, plant bulbs to a depth that is equal to twice the height of the bulb.
Continue to harvest fruit and vegetables. Lift potatoes and store in a cool, dry room. Excess produce can be frozen, made into chutneys, pies - let your imagination run wild! Cut leaves off tomatoes that are shading the fruit to help them ripen.
Clean out the greenhouse or cold frame ready for overwintering plants.
But most of all - get out and enjoy the last of the warmth, colour and bounty of your garden!